Saturday 1 June 2013

طلب الرجاء من الله

عن انس رضي الله عنه قال: دخل النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم على شاب وهو  فى الموت فقال: كيف تجدك؟ قال: أرجو الله يا رسول الله وإنى أخاف ذنوبى، فقال رسول الله: لا يجتمعان فى قلب عبد فى مثل هذا الموطن إلا أعطاه الله ما يرجو  وأمنه مما يخاف.
On the authority of Anas – May Allah be pleased with him –, the Prophet – Peace be Upon Him – visited a young man in a state of death struggle. The Prophet asked him, "How are you?" He answered, "I ask Allah for His Mercy, O Messenger of Allah, and I am afraid of my sins." Then the Prophet said, "These two things never joined in a man's heart in such situation but Allah Almighty bestows him what he asked and reassures him of his fears."